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Film Preview

About the Films

Twisted Night - 2023

Twisted Night was a short film that I wrote, acted, and edited together in a January term course. The course focused on music in film and how it is essential to the production of the movie. This film is a noir-based film with jazz music.  The goal of this film was to match the music with the genre. 


- 2023

Paw is the largest short film production that I have worked on. I was the primary scriptwriter, assistant director of photography, and the lead editor of the film. 

This film was shot entirely on location in NE Iowa and hired professional actors for the production.  Paw will always be one of my proudest productions from my time at Loras College. 

The Last Straw

- 2020

This film project was made while I was a student at DMACC. This short is a horror film based on a Zoom call.  This production led us to film all over the Des Moines metro. My part in this production was being the director of photography. This production was able to let me get back into the experience of filmmaking since this was right after the whole Covid-19 lockdown. 

Bagel Run 


This was my last student production I had done during my time at Loras. The Plot? 2 guys just trying to get some bagels. With this plot and inspired by the film the Big Lebowski, this film was my first comedic drama.

 I was the lead editor and played a small role in it as well. This film was definitely one of my best works, along with Paw. 

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